Thanks for Buying at HTML mate products.
If you are facing issues when you try to use our product, please send us an email with your detail as well as understand properly and we will assist you within one business day. But if we can’t give you the best solution, we will refund your money. Please see the following point before the refund request.
1. If we fail to solve an issue in our product, we will definitely issue you a refund.
2. Without any evidence of the problems faced, we do not accept refund requests with the plugin and without describing the reasons for the refund.
3. Before asking the refund the user should clearly describe the problem, show it on the real website by providing a link of the page (Just problem screenshots are accepted)
4. You can return a product for up to 07 days from the date you purchased it.
5. Your request will be accepted if we are unable to solve the issue.
6. There are minor deficiencies, which can be corrected, but it is not given any chance for us to fix.
Updates to the refund policy :
This refund policy can be updated at any time, without prior notice and is applicable immediately for all subscriptions and subscribers. It is considered an integral part of our Terms of Service and its acceptance is mandatory for all users. HTML mate reserves the right to refuse refunds if any efforts of refund policy abuse are detected.